Medicare / Medicaid / Advantage — Where Are The Opportunities For Startups? — Part 1 of 2

2 min read

Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage. The words often get thrown around and are mixed with generalized association of government social programs for the underserved and those over 65, but what are they actually? In part I of this article we discuss the difference between them, as well as potential white spaces that open up opportunities for startups:  1) Medicare – Started in 1965 as part of the federal health care program, Medicare originally was intended as a program for parts of the US population that were over the age of 65. In 1972, the program extended to cover patients with disabilities…...

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sharonshuang MD Candidate | VC in Healthcare, Digital Health
Amit Garg I have been in Silicon Valley for 20 years -- at Samsung NEXT Ventures, running my own startup (as of May 2019 a series D that has raised $120M and valued at $450M), at Norwest Ventures, and doing product and analytics at Google. My academic training is BS in computer science and MS in biomedical informatics, both from Stanford, and MBA from Harvard. I speak natively 3 languages, live carbon-neutral, am a 70.3 Ironman finisher, and have built a hospital in rural India serving 100,000 people.